Two PARSEC team members Alison Specht and Pedro Corrêa, joined forces with colleagues from NEON (Hank Loescher) and the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA, Lee Belbin) to write a blog piece for the ‘Elephant in the Lab’ in their series on Research Infrastructures.
We demonstrate the benefits of a collaborative relationship between e-research infrastructures such as the ALA and NEON, and synthesis centres such as CESAB and the John Wesley Powell Center. Synthesis centres can provide a user-interface for the e-research infrastructure and a testing ground for new developments and assessment of their value. The synthesis centre working groups, in turn, benefit from facilitated access to the aggregated and curated data in the e-research infrastructure.
Specht, A., Corrêa, P., Belbin, L. & Loescher, H. (2020). Critical research infrastructure: The importance of synthesis centers. Elephant in the Lab. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3660920