During the AGU Fall Meeting 2019 (marking the 100th anniversary of that organisation, a key partner of PARSEC), there was significant interest in the work of the PARSEC project. Shelley Stall presented a poster providing an overview of the project and specifically highlighted the opportunity for scientific data repositories to implement the ‘data usage’ widget built by DataCite for the project. This widget shows the usage and citations of a dataset, promoting its importance. The session focused on challenges around reusable data: Achieving the “R” of the FAIR Data Principles: Reusability Is the Biggest Challenge but the Most Rewarding!
Stall, S., Specht, A., O’Brien, M., Cambon-Thomsen, A., Mabile, L., Murayama, Y., Corrêa, P. L. P., Glaves, H., Cousijn, H., & Olson, E. (2020). Credit for Data Reuse Is Driven by Making Data FAIR: The PARSEC Project Approach. Wiley. https://doi.org/10.1002/essoar.10502388.1