Samples community manager at DataCite

Team position: member, Data Strand

Background: Rorie is the Samples Community Manager at DataCite, driving adoption of PIDs for material samples. His research background is highly multidisciplinary and he has over 10 years’ experience of coordinating international initiatives and scaling communities globally. He was formally Executive Director of ISC’s World Data System, and Head of Secretariat of CoreTrustSeal.

Key disciplines and skillsets: Structural Engineering, Information Science, and Geology, with advanced skills in open Data and Science communication.

Expectations: DataCite wants PARSEC to be an exemplar of how connecting research outputs and resources through assignment of persistent identifiers (and associated metadata) facilitates their open discovery and reuse, while ensuring all contributors are given appropriate credit. Research is thus made more effective and advances knowledge across and among disciplines.

contact: rorie.edmunds (at) datacite.org