Senior Landscape Ecologist and Biometrician, Global Lands Science, The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
Team position : Team member, Synthesis Strand.
Background :
I am a senior landscape ecologist for the Nature Conservancy’s Conservation Lands Global Science team and affiliate faculty at University of Wyoming. I bring methodology and rigor from diverse fields such as landscape ecology, spatial statistics, applied mathematics and remote sensing to address ecological and conservation questions.
I have previously published on hedonic economic modeling, developing nonparametric methods for understanding land values in relation to conservation and development priorities as well as formalized spatial modeling to understand how open space attracts development. I would like to further these methods along with expanding current development of modeling efforts focused on quantifying ecological measures and evaluating interventions utilizing remote sensing and other environmental spatial data.
Key disciplines and skillsets : Spatial statistical, temporal and nonparametric modelling expertise; Comprehensive understanding of active/passive remote sensing including; classification, process and structural modelling, and trend analysis; My strong background in ecology, wildlife and forestry allows me to relate specific subject domains into model specification and interpretation.
Expectations : To gain a better understanding of how open and protected space benefits economics and community wellbeing. I know that, given this working group, this is obvious but, this salient question can feed into research our group has been engaged with for some time in understanding and mapping global patterns of development (human modification) and how to guide future energy and extractive development to minimize impacts. Addressing this question can help us incorporate positive human-dimensions into our impact optimizations.
Contact : jeffrey_evans (at)