Professor at the University of São Paulo, Brazil.
Team position : member, Synthesis Strand
Background : I am a wildlife biologist, and a coordinator of the Wildlife Ecology, Management and Conservation Lab ( at the Forest Science Department, at ESALQ, University of São Paulo. My core focus has been on how to integrate terrestrial mammal ecology and the interactions of human-wildlife for improving conservation planning. I have been coordinating a five-year project of mammal conservation and human dimensions in the Atlantic Forest focusing the protected areas and surrounding communities.
Key disciplines and skillsets : Biodiversity conservation, human dimensions, planning
Expectations : A better understanding of the influence (positive? negative? non-influence?) of protected areas to surrounding communities. Results could be used for improving the conservation strategies aiming for a better planning for human-wildlife coexistence (or community-protected area coexistence). We also expect that the huge database we have from this five-year conservation project could be used as background for PARSEC and become available for public use by the end of the project, returning to conservation and society the resources invested on us.
Contact : katia.ferraz (at)