Key elements to achieve FAIR outcomes in international multi-disciplinary groups

On Sept 16 2021 Alison Specht gave a presentation as part of a webinar sponsored by the Research Data Alliance as an outcome of the International Network of Networks meeting in Philadelphia in 2019, funded by the National Science Foundation (grant no: 1848888). The webinar had five speakers in addition to Alison, Bob Downs (Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), USA), Stephanie Hagstrom (CBS International Business School, Cologne, Germany) and Kathleen Shearer (Confederation of Open Access Repositories, Canada). The full seminar can be viewed here and Alison’s talk can be viewed here. After discussing some of the key elements that can assist group function in these complex situations, Alison used a metaphor to track useful steps that will achieve a FAIR outcome from such groups, culminating in a version of the PARSEC group checklist for good data practice and transparent communication.

Specht, A. (2021, September 16). Key elements to achieve FAIR outcomes in international multi-disciplinary groups. Zenodo.