PARSEC at SRI 2022

PARSEC presented a paper and ran a workshop at the second Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2022 (SRI 2022), Pretoria, South Africa.

On the Tuesday we presented a summary of PARSEC work in a Belmont-sponsored session entitled ‘Transnational data interoperability, open workflows and reproducible science in sustainability and environmental change research’. This was a great opportunity to present alongside the other two teams that received funding as part of the CRA for Science-driven e-infrastructures innovation (SEI) for the enhancement of transnational, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary data use in environmental change research.

In our talk entitled ‘Building new tools for data sharing and re-use through a transnational investigation of the socio-economic impacts of protected areas (PARSEC)’ we discussed the progress to date, the challenges, pitfalls and successes as they relate to data standards, transnational data interoperability that feeds into automated workflows, data persistence, and how this data work leads to open workflows and reproducible science.

The presentation can be viewed here: Mouillot, David, Mouquet, Nicolas, Stall, Shelley, & Specht, Alison. (2022, June 21).

Our second major contribution was a workshop entitled ‘DIY Open Science Collaboration. How to make the most of your [sustainability research] dream team.’

We used a workflow that can be applied to most research scenarios to enable an international, interdisciplinary team to establish the practices and tools needed for optimal opportunity to collaborate and contribute to the scientific question at hand. In short, we tested a “do-it-yourself” (DIY) collaboration primer. A presentation, short movie and feedback from a mentimeter survey can be seen here: Jeaneth Machicao, Alison Specht, & Shelley Stall. (2022, June 24).