Continuing our presence at the Research Data Alliance Plenaries–a great way to exchange ideas and developments the data science community–we were there again at RDA17, virtually in Edinburgh, Scotland.
We gave several talks and a poster, which shall have a separate bulletin on the PARSEC web site, so look out for it.
- Changing the data sharing culture. a lightning talk to connect PARSEC with the ‘Engaging Researchers with Data IG’ to learn about and adopt existing work. (Stall and Specht:
- A personal vision for VREs/Virtual Labs/Science Gateways of the future. Invited talk to Session: Virtual Research Environment (VRE-IG): VREs/Virtual Labs/Science Gateways: Visions for Addressing Barriers, Needs and Requirements for the Next Generation of VREs, Part 2. (Specht:
- Earth and Environmental Science Data Infrastructures in Brazil, an invited talk to the ‘ESIP/RDA Earth, Space, and Environmental Sciences IG Session’ to connect research infrastructure initiatives in Brazil with specific highlight of the PARSEC project. (Corrêa, Stall and Wyborn: