The PARSEC team has been working on developing tools for researchers and research teams, such as ours, to work openly and collaboratively. A major result of our work has been the Data and Digital Output Management Plan (DDOMP : which serves as an exemplar for others to follow. Another result has been the development of a suite of checklists for (a) researchers and (b) research teams to follow to achieve open science practices and ensure optimum credit for their work.
Useful checklists for the researcher
- Your Digital Presence
- Data Documentation and Citation Checklist
- Software Documentation and Citation Checklist
Useful checklists for research teams
- Open Science Practices for Teams
- Resources and Guides for Teams
- Digital Objects Preservation Checklist for Teams
They are available in five languages !
english :
french :
japanese :
portuguese :
spanish :
These checklists can all be accessed as well from the AGU home page :