Emeritus research director at the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) in the team BIOETHICS, a joint research unit of Inserm (French national institute for health and medical research) and University Toulouse III Paul Sabatier on epidemiology and analysis in public health.
Team position : member, Data Science team
Background : I am a doctor of medicine specialising in immunogenetics and health ethics, with a research career at CNRS and Inserm and direction of research units and teams in these domains, and broad international experience. My recent research within a unit on epidemiology and public health in Toulouse has focused on the societal issues of biotechnology and biobanking, the implications of genomics in health and on open science. I am a member of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies for the European Commission and the research integrity officer for the Toulouse III University. I co-lead an interest group (SHARC: sharing rewards and credit) of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) for which I am an ambassador for health sciences and research ethics, and I also co-lead a working group of the French Plan for genomic medicine.
Key disciplines and skillsets : Expertise in health and human biology sciences; Experience in policies for sharing samples and data in the context of Open Science and of RDA; Expertise in ethics of research and on research integrity at French and European levels.
Expectations : Further experience in an international interdisciplinary project; participation with a new research community to test the tools and recommendations from the RDA SHARC interest group; and a concrete experience of applying open science policies, FAIR principles and data management principles with a long term view.
Contact : anne.cambon-thomsen (at) univ-tlse3.fr