The first all-day workshop for the Data Strand was held at the University of Helsinki as a co-located meeting with the Research Data Alliance Plenary 14. Shelley Stall facilitated the meeting.
The general format of the meeting was a brief presentation on the PARSEC project and its current status, then moving into topics for a working session for the rest of the day.
- Quick review of PARSEC project - Shelley Stall
- Summary and Status of Data Strand Objectives/Deliverables – Shelley and others
- Update from DataCite Team on the Data Widget and Researcher Profile for Data – Martin Fenner
- Briefing on Persistent Identifier Graphs, work from the FREYA project – Martin Fenner. This work could be relevant showing how researcher objects that are registered with globally resolvable persistent identifiers and linked to other research objects can create new paths for discovering new/interesting datasets and software.
- Summary of the Meeting of October 8-12 with the Synthesis Science Strand and what directly impacts the Data Strand and Relevant Actions: Catalog of Tools and Resources and training provided as determined – Shelley/Laurence Mabile
- Relevant information from the previous week’s Force2019 meeting – Shelley/Martin
- Software Citation Guidance for Authors now published:
- Dryad conversation – Improvements following partnership with CDL and Zenodo.
- Determine other RDA IG/WG that can be useful for PARSEC – Plan team coverage
- Data Strand Coordination Across CRA SEI Grantee – Discuss possible expansion.
- Briefing on the Scholarly Commons - Fiona Murphy. This work could be relevant as we consider existing tools for researchers.

participants included: Shelley Stall, AGU (convenor); Romain David, INRA - RDA SHARC IG; Rorie Edmunds, World Data System; Martin Fenner, DataCite; Helen Glaves, UKRI/EGU/RDA TAB/AGU; Laurence Mabile, University Toulouse III - RDA SHARC IG; Yasuhiro Murayama, NICT (Natl. Insti. of Information & Communications Technology, Japan); Fiona Murphy, Various; Erin Robinson, ESIP; Alison Specht, University of Queensland, Australia; Lesley Wyborn, NCI/ARDC.