MABILE Laurence

Research Engineer, University Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, Toulouse, France.

Team position: Member Data Strand

Background: I spent 10 years as a researcher in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and since then have been managing projects as part of a Public Health Research unit (University – INSERM) related to social health inequalities on one hand and to ethical, legal and social issues (with Anne Cambon-Thomsen) on the other hand. Have also graduated in Museum Studies ‘Sciences of Nature and Human, Evolution, Nature Heritage and Societies’, in Epidemiology, and in Research ethics. Have been co-chairing the BRIF initiative (Bioresource Research Impact Framework, dir. A. Cambon-Thomsen) within the biobanks community and in line with it since 2017 the RDA-SHARC (SHAring Credit and Rewards) interest group within RDA (Research Data Alliance). I contribute to PARSEC as part of the University Genotoul Societal platform specialising in ethical, legal & societal issues related to biosciences.

Key disciplines and skillsets: Editorial & reporting best practices; Data sharing; Multidisciplinary group management, especially in relation with the RDA-SHARC interest group addressing crediting and rewarding processes

Expectations: I am convinced that everyone would benefit greatly from having an easy access to research data and that it would boost knowledge advances, but this is still not the common practice. I wish to help building an ecosystem that will facilitate data optimal discoverability and potential reusability. I am notably interested in finding mechanisms that are generic in the perspective to apply them in various communities. I am also very interested in following the work of the synthesis strand on the relation between environmental protection and socio-economic outcomes as a biologist and as a citizen aware of the risks generated by human activity and climate change.

Contact : laurence.mabile (at)