Postdoctoral Researcher at USP and Visiting Researcher at WildCRU-University of Oxford.

Team position: member, Synthesis Strand

Background: I am a conservation scientist with twenty years’ professional experience in research, capacity building, multi-stakeholder processes facilitation, and strategic planning, spanning the university, government, NGO, and private sectors in Brazil and Latin America. Initially trained as an ecologist, I gradually shifted towards conservation, and later to the human dimensions of conservation. Over the last five years, I have turned my interest to systematic planning and policy, and the ways to bridge the gap between researchers, planners, managers and policy-makers.

Key disciplines and skillsets: Conservation social science, systems thinking and theory of change, planning for coexistence.

Expectations: Social data are typically scarce relative to ecological and environmental data. Nonetheless, biodiversity conservation is as much about people as it is about wildlife and ecosystems. As conservation becomes a transdisciplinary, data-intensive science, PARSEC has the potential to make an important contribution to the development of a framework for integrating data, disciplines, and stakeholders for the benefit of both biodiversity and people.

Contact: silvio.marchini (at)