Improve your digital and software presence on the web! Be discovered, and get credit!
Shelley Stall and Christ Erdman alongside Solange Santos and SCIELO team members Francine Curivil and Jennifer Gonçlaves, gave some great tips for this at the European Geophysical Union 2021 meeting (19-30 April 2021). Two of the four talks have some handy hints to improve your visibility and organisation (one-pagers downloadable by clicking on the title):
Digital presence: Stall, Shelley, & Erdmann, Christopher. (2021, April 20). Digital Presence Checklist. Zenodo.
Software citation: Erdmann, Christopher, & Stall, Shelley. (2021, April 21). Software Citation Checklist. Zenodo.
the other two talks are pretty neat too!
Erdmann, Christopher, & Stall, Shelley. (2021, April 21). 5 Tips to Citing Your Research Software and Improving Discovery. Zenodo. and
Stall, Shelley, & Erdmann, Christopher. (2021, April 21). Your Digital Presence – Increasing Your Impact with Citations and Collaborations. Zenodo.