On 25 September, members of the PARSEC team (Specht, Machicao, Stall, Vellenich and Corrêa) presented in the session ‘Research across Disciplinary Boundaries’ at the international conference ‘‘Global Collaboration on Data beyond Disciplines’ co-sponsored by several of our partners.
We focused on three challenges we have encountered to date: (i) blending data across difference scales, (ii) working together across geographical boundaries (and how we can develop that), and (iii) ensuring the data management of the project is of international standard. After describing the project and the broad challenges presented by the different data-types we shall be dealing with, we presented a possible workflow from Google Drive -> Open Science Framework -> Amazon Web Services -> publication, and our progress on the Data and Digital Objects Management Plan (PARSEC DDOMP_V1 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3891426).
A written version of the talk was included in the extended abstracts of the conference, and the presentation can be viewed here.