Synthesis workshop #1 – 7‐11 October 2019 – Montpellier, France

Our first synthesis meeting was hosted by the CESAB in Montpellier. People from both the synthesis and the data strands shared ideas during this week. Our main achievements were (1) we chose the characteristics of protected areas that will be used in PARSEC and determined a selection strategy, (2) we chose the socio-economic variables that will be used to fuel the deep learning algorithm(s) and the satellite images, and (3) we discussed our Data Managment Plan and agreed on a communication strategy. This was a wonderful and very productive week.

Monday 7
- Arrival of participants at CESAB 
- Presentation of the CESAB. Nicolas. 
- Opening session & presentation of the project Alison, Shelley & David
- Introductions from each participant
Lunch break
- Selecting socio-ecological systems close to a Protected Area: towards a first list of PAs
Tuesday 8- PARSEC Strand Integration
- Data Management Element: Modelling the level of poverty using satellite images and a deep learning algorithm
Lunch break
- Which images, what resolution, storage?
Wednesday 9- Characterisation of socio-ecological systems, which variables to collect?
Lunch break
- Sampling strategy for mirror sites
Thursday 10
Field trip
Friday 11- Summary of the week’s discussions
- Use of the website & our communication tools
Lunch break
- Last discussions and participants departure