During the Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) 2020 meeting , the convenors of the ‘Open Science in Progress’ session requested Shelley Stall, the PARSEC Data Strand PI, to present an overview of the Data and Digital Output Management Plan (DDOMP) and Workbook being developed for the PARSEC project. The Workbook and the supporting checklist are outputs designed to be shared broadly in the community with supporting materials for use by earth, space, and environmental sciences researchers and more.
In this presentation, the focus was on the “checklist” as a tool that researchers supporting a research effort could use to ensure they are being good data stewards and capturing the data and software information necessary to track progress on their work and later submit for preservation prior to publishing.
Stall, Shelley, & Specht, Alison. (2020, July). Data and Digital Output Management Plan (DDOMP), JpGU M-GI36 Open Science in Progress. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3942688