Scholarly communications consultant (independent), invited expert, the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan.
Team position : member, data strand.
Background : I am an independent consultant, based in Tokyo, Japan, working with scholarly publishers, academic societies, research institutions, and research service vendors to provide strategic consulting and support for their business development in Asia. As a librarian by training, my interests evolved from metadata management to a broader spectrum of scholarly communications over years. Having served as Asia Pacific Regional Director for ORCID (2015-2018), I am an enthusiastic supporter of open scholarly infrastructure
Key Disciplines and Skillsets : The promotion of the use of persistent identifiers throughout the research process, the promotion of good practices in metadata management and information sharing, and expertise in working across organisational and cultural boundaries.
Expections : It’s a great opportunity to observe how the evolving scholarly infrastructure and services are coming into play, also to learn benefits/challenges faced by collaborators who work in a cross-disciplinary and international team environment.
Contact : nobuko (at)