Emeritus research director at Inserm (team BIOETHICS) in a joint research Unit (Epidemiology and analysis in public health) of Inserm and the University of Toulouse III Paul Sabatier.  

Team position : member, Data Science Strand

Background : I hold a medical doctorate from the University of Copenhagen, specialising in immunogenetics and clinical immunology. I have had an International research career, first in Denmark and since 1983 at Inserm in France as team leader in different research units. From 2004-2012 I was a member of the SCENIHR (Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks) at the European Commission. Presently I am an active member of the RDA SHARC IG and member of the Genotoul Societal platform addressing ethical, legal & societal issues related to biosciences. 

Key disciplines and skillsets : Clinical immunology, public health risks, open science

Expectations : Getting input from a different scientific community on issues addressed by the RDA SHARC interest group (Sharing rewards and credits IG); experience in carrying out open science at an international level; further experience in interdisciplinary international projects.

Contact : mogens.thomsen (at)